Submit Resume

Submit your resume using our easy-to-use resume uploader so that corporations can find and hire you.

To help you out with writing your resume, we’ve put together a few tips on how to write a great resume.

  • Clearly specify your civilian career goal.
  • Avoid overusing military jargon
  • Tailor your resume to the job description or to your civilian career goal.
  • Highlight your military training, education, and career.
  • Think about the soft skills you learned in your military career, including teamwork, management, leadership, ability to prioritize, strong work ethic, etc.
  • Keep the resume length to two pages.

Learn more about writing a great resume and to see some resume examples from veterans who have been hired in civilian roles. Browse the entire Transition Resources section for more information about finding employment for veterans.

Remember, our focus in on supporting you as you transition from your military to civilian career. Our commitment is finding real jobs for veterans just like you.

After you’ve uploaded your resume, use the Veteran’s Employment jobs database to find the latest and best jobs suited to your experience and career goals.

For information on how your data will be managed by Veteran’s Employment, see our privacy policy.